We Are Community 165
The 137th Plymouth Old Settler’s is largely history. Have lived in Plymouth since 1978 and must say this was one of the very best celebrations ever. The committee worked very hard to bring in a carnival, flea markets, a petting zoo, parade, baby contest, magician, car show, church service, tractor pull, entertainment and so much more. Everywhere one looked there were signs from sponsors. Can’t say that I ever remember so many people and businesses sponsoring food and activities. It would not be possible to name each one but I would like to thank each sponsor. Also new this year were several raffles to help raise funds for the carnival and other events. Thanks to all who supported these events as well as other fundraisers like the matador dinner.
I managed to eat my way through Old Settlers. On Friday it was the hog roast, Saturday morning the American Legion breakfast and on Saturday evening the chicken and fish dinner. Each was great. The hog roast was a new event and the food was very good and a nice change from the past. The Legion breakfast is always excellent with such a nice variety of foods. The chicken and fish dinner was excellent. The line for food stretched to the gazebo but moved fairly quickly and was well worth the wait. The water was even drinkable! One could have cat fish chunks, scored carp or chicken. I had all three and the cooks did an excellent job. Thank you so much for feeding us so well.
My store faces the Square so I can’t help but notice what is happening on the Square most every day not just during Old Settlers. What I saw was a lot of work being done by Donny Miller and Kim Vallier and so many others. Cooking equipment kept appearing, things kept getting set up, cooking done and so much more. Thank you all!
Sunday morning saw a church service lead by Pastor Gilliland from the First Baptist Church of Plymouth. Singing was led by Donnie Switzer. The service was nice and I enjoyed it. After the service lunch was served to all who cared to join. So nice of the church to do that and I saw Donny cooking again!
Though my phone gave a 100% chance of rain on Saturday, that did not happen and the temperatures finally dropped some after a pretty bad heat related week. Even the weatherman did an excellent job for Old Settler’s.
Many years ago, probably over fifteen, a lady worked for me for a very short time. Evidentially she gave out my phone number as her own. I am still getting calls asking for her. I cannot tell you just how upsetting and unprofessional this has been for me. Try to be kind to those who employ you.
So many of you who see me or come to my store, tell me how much you enjoy this column. You have no idea how much I appreciate your kind words. Thank you!
In the past, I have had holly hocks at the store. Sunflowers have now replaced them. Yellow is my favorite color. The sunflowers also attract butterflies and finches. The plants may get a bit tall and once in a while one falls over on the side walk, but I hope you all enjoy them as much as I love them.
Have a good week. Thank God for the rain and the cooler temperatures. Thank those who worked so long and hard for us to put on Old Settlers for us all. Pray for those who are ill. Covid seems to have made a comeback. Scatter kindness and love wherever you go this week.