We Are Community 163
Google says my peach trees have “brown rot” disease. I think she is correct. They also have Japanese beetles. I have three white peach trees which were loaded with lovely nice sized white peaches with a pretty red blush. Before they ripen enough to get soft, they begin to rot. I have picked some to make pie and freeze. Just cut away the bad part and work up the rest. It is such a shame as they are beautiful. Speaking of peach pie, I have a favorite. Slice peaches and place them nicely in a pie crust. Then mix 1 cup sugar, 1/3 cup flour and ½ tsp of vanilla. Melt 1/3 cup butter and add one beaten egg and add to flour mixture and mix. Pour this over the peaches and bake at 400 for 40 minutes. This is great. One doe not have to deal with too much crust and get to enjoy a lot of peaches instead. I filled five pie crusts with peaches and 3 other quarts of peaches and put in the freezer. Will let you know, when I bake them, how this experiment came out.
I’m sure we all have weeks that are not our favorites. This has been one for me. Exercise lightens our mood and I try to ride my bike or get some exercise each day. Have not been able to ride this week. Got news that a family member has lesions in their brain. Radiation will begin on Monday followed by chemotherapy. Have been doing 3rd Sunday Market for 35 years and learned that the gentleman set up across the aisle and down two booths passed away this week. I don’t like storms so when the storm radio tells me about 2 am that there is a storm over Denver and that it is headed east at 35 mph that is not good news. (Denver is 9 miles west of Plymouth) Please keep these families in your prayers as well as the people in Hawaii.
Plymouth Circle met on Wednesday evening. We had a potluck supper, which I forgot! Our program was given by Brenda Belden on barn quilts. She showed us how to make them and had some to display as well as many photographs of ones she had done. I love barn quilts. There are some in the neighborhood. Please feel free to join our group on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 at the PCCC. We would love to have you.
We have been getting some much-needed rain. Only problem with that is that my roof leaks. Thank God I do have a roof.
My store is absolutely packed. We have been clearing out the PCCC and a family has donated many local items with the proceeds going to the PCCC. If you like local cook books, paintings, a Plymouth comforter or more, please stop by.
Every year when the tomatoes come on, I have to fix a BLT. This week was the week. Trick to a great BLT is to bake the bacon. Lay a pound of thick sliced bacon on the rack of a broiler pan. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes or until done. It will hold its shape and not shrink up and will lay flat on your sandwich!
The pastor gave us some numbers at church today which really surprised me. She said that of people who attend church only about 40% read the Bible. Further only about 5 % read it daily. I use a devotional guide which has a daily Bibe reading and guess I assumed that most people did that also. She also warned about using the Bible in wrong ways such as picking things out of context to bash others with. Jesus loved all people and we should too.
Have a good week. Keep reading or perhaps start reading the Bible. You may want to start with the New Testament as some of the Old Testament is pretty rough. Pray for those who are ill or who have lost loved ones. Scatter kindness and love.