We Are Community 181
Some time ago I found a list of the 10 most important books one should read. I had only read one of them so decided I had better get started. Jayne Eyre was next on my list. Just finished it this week. It was a struggle. Have decided that I probably will not get through the other 8. I love to read and read most every night before I go to sleep but trying to read Jane was tedious at best.
Sat down to address my Christmas cards only to find that the store had given me the wrong size envelopes. Trip to Macomb to get the correct ones before I could get started. Have told you previously that I collected stamps thinking they would be a good investment only to find that one could not sell them even for face value so have been using them up for a couple of years now. Some of you will get very colorful envelopes this Christmas season. Now I will need to go to the post office to buy stamps before the price increase.
Went to the Lowderman auction on Thursday. Got some nice things for the store. It appears the news of the sale of the property and the closing of the business was greatly exaggerated.
Received a Christmas card from a lady who also writes a column for a paper. So nice to hear kind words from people who enjoy my musings. Thank you.
We are lighting Advent candles each Sunday at church. Today was the candle of Joy. Google does not differentiate between Joy and Happiness which I thought was interesting. There seem to be three things necessary for Joy. The first is someone (something) to love. The second is something to do which is hopefully also fulfilling and the third is something to look forward to. Hope that each of you finds some Joy each day.
Plymouth Circle met on Wednesday evening. We played picture bingo, visited and ate. The refreshments were wonderful. I repeat that we meet the second Wednesday of each month except January at 6:30 pm at the PCCC. We would love to have many new members. We are a service organization which provides a community center for the use of the community. We provide a place for meetings, weddings, funerals, showers, memorial services, fundraisers and more. The building is very important to our community and we are currently renovating it. Please join us for friendship, fellowship, food and some interesting programs.
Had a very nice gesture happen at my store this week. A friend had a large iron pot on lay a way. Another friend came in and paid it off and even delivered it. That was a lovely gesture and I was happy to be a part of it. Kindness can be in short supply in parts of our world.
A customer came to the shop and bought a spinning wheel this week. She actually spins and plans to use it in demonstrations. When she posted photos on line, she learned it was a rare spinning wheel. So glad it has a good home and that it will be appreciated as rare and also used. One never knows what treasures you will find at my store, sometimes including me.
Christmas is fast approaching. That gives us the “something to look forward to”. Hope you have a good week. May Peace, Hope and Joy be present in your life this week even as we look forward to lighting the Love candle next week. Remember to scatter Love to those around you this week and every week.