We Are Community 178
The Plymouth American Legion will be sponsoring a soup supper on Saturday, December 2nd from 4 to 7 pm at the Legion building on the west side of the Plymouth Square. There will be chili, oyster and vegetable soups along with sandwiches, dessert and drinks. The cost is a donation. Carry out may be gotten by calling 309 333 8305. I hope you will be able to come and enjoy some soup, conversation and help with this worthy cause.
It is only right that I should mention the passing of Rosalynn Carter. She and her husband Jimmy were probably the most honest and real people to grace the presidency of the United States. They have spent their entire lives helping others. They lived a simple and kind life. Am sure that former president Carter will soon follow his wife as they have supported each other for so long. America is fortunate to have had such caring people set a high example for the rest of us.
I am the last of a dying breed who still send Christmas cards. It has not been easy to get started this year. A few years ago, I discovered that sending a card, a photo and a letter required a lot of postage. Learned that I could go to Walgreens and use my photo on their card stock and personalize the card and save postage and still send out a lot of cards. For several years this has worked well. Went in with my phone, we hooked it to their computer, transferred my photo, picked the card and got them printed. Last year the people who helped me said the equipment was not working well but we got it done.
Went in on Monday and we tried but could not transfer my photo to the kiosk. The lady was very busy so I decided to come back later. The Friday after Thanksgiving seemed like a good day to try again-very few customers in the store besides me. Three ladies tried to download my photo with no success. Finally, I suggested that we try to create my cards on my phone. We did that successfully only to find that the website would not accept my order over and over and over. I had now spent over four hours over two days with four different people trying to help me but who would go off to do other tasks like emptying the garbage. I was grateful for all the help but my frustration level finally went through the roof. The one special lady who stayed with me to the very end called and got a real person who enabled us to get my order to go through. My point, if the equipment does not work, get it fixed. If I am the only one sending cards, then perhaps just quit offering the service.
If the point is to make all customers do all their shopping on their phones, then perhaps stores need to rethink that. Not everyone has a smart phone and sometimes people just need help even if they do have one. I feel that stores need to rethink the policy of having customers check themselves out. Self-checkout is great for many but not all. Brick and mortar stores may wonder why they are losing customers to online sales-I think I can tell you.
I comment on spammers every week but it is a continuing problem. Started getting spam calls on Thanksgiving even before I got the turkey in the oven. One call was a live person, obviously from another country. Told her we were celebrating Thanksgiving in America and to please quit calling. Last one for that day. They are relentless. Even getting calls on Sunday afternoon. Why can’t something be done about this.
Have rearranged some of my antique store. Have some lovely Christmas dishes and crystals near the door. Have many items that would make great gifts in all price ranges. Consider shopping locally. I guarantee great customer service and you won’t be asked to check yourself out!
Have a great week. Be kind to those around you. Pray for those who have lost loved ones, for those who are ill, for those who need more food and a warm place to stay. Much love to each of you this holiday season and every season.