We Are Community for the week of Jan 13th, 2025, by Joyce Steiner

We Are Community 237

It has been a difficult week yet we are so fortunate.  When we turn on the TV, we are greeted with horrific views of the fires in California.  Seeing all the destruction is just heart rending.  Then hearing the conspiracy theories on why this is happening causes even more upset.  I know some people will believe exactly what they want to believe but even the Democrats do not control the weather and it is sad to hear wild misinformation.

Been feeding the birds and the squirrels and in so doing also feeding the racoons.  Have hanging feeders on a couple of poles for the birds with sunflower and other bird seed.  Often see a squirrel lovingly wrapped around the feeder and just as often the feeder lying broken on the ground.  Buy new feeders quite often.  Also have a suet feeder on a tree for the woodpeckers.  The whole feeder disappears and this week I saw racoon under that tree so think I know where the feeders are going.  Now have a really heavy c shaped hook holding the suet feeder and it has lasted several days.  It is very important to feed the critters when there is snow on the ground.

I have a pretty big drive into the garage.  Would like to thank my neighbors for clearing it two times this week.  It was appreciated.  My nephew cleared the last of the ice off the drive today when it was above freezing.  Neighbors helping neighbors is most appreciated.

Living Faith had a collection for the Maloney family this morning.  Am sure other churches are doing the same.  There is a prayer meeting for the family on Monday at Rudy’s.  Please continue to pray for the family.  There are others in our community who also need prayer for various illnesses.  Keep them in your thoughts too.

Puff normally does not try to go outside but when she does, she sits by the door and bolts when I go in or out.  She bolted one day this week.  Got to the bottom step and discovered cold white stuff on the ground and her paws.  She looked at me with that sly grin but decided she would not really like to stay outside and came back in the house.  If she doesn’t want to come in, it is a real job to get her in.

Had not been to Macomb since January 1st, so when roads looked to be clear on Friday evening, I went in for groceries.  Stocked up on food, bird seed and kitty food.  When I tried to leave Farm King with a cart full of critter food, the door would not open and a young lady rushed to help me open it.  When I got to the parking lot, a young man offered to take my cart back in for me.  Thank you for caring and helping.

Always attend the Plymouth Village Board meeting which is held on the first Wednesday of the month.  When I dropped off my water bill, discovered it has been changed to a Tuesday and that I had missed it.  Suggest an all call when things like that happen.

I keep telling you that you need a smart phone and how much I like mine.  This week I did not see a live person from Sunday chicken until Friday night when I went to Macomb to buy groceries.  This could get quite lonely without a smart phone to stay connected.

Please pray for our nation and its leaders.  There are so many needless hateful comments being made.  People who have worked long and hard to do their jobs are being made fun of and called names.  We may be a great country, but we just cannot unilaterally decide to take over other countries.

Pray for our country, for those who are ill, for those in the paths of the fires in California and just for all those who need guidance.  Scatter Kindness and Love.  Think before you say something hateful or degrading.

Posted in Plymouth News