We Are Community for the week of Jan 2nd, 2023, by Joyce Steiner

We Are Community 130

Today is the first day of a new year.  A clean slate.  We can do whatever we want with our slate.  If changes need to be made in our lives, make those changes.  If you need to be more kind, start today.  If you need to attend church, start next Sunday.  If you need to change your eating or drinking habits, there is no time like the present.  You can be whatever you want to be!  Go for a new beginning if you need to.

Illinois weather is nothing if not interesting.  From one Thursday to the next Thursday, we went from -13 degrees to 70 degrees.  I must say I appreciate that much more than snow storms, mud slides, tornadoes and such.  Really appreciating living in Illinois more and more.

Told you last week that I discovered a broken water line at the store on Christmas morning.  As that particular building was a restaurant, there are quite a few water lines that are no longer in use.  Turned out that was one of them and the fix was as simple as capping off the water line.  Yea.

On Monday, I added more bird and squirrel feeders and was rewarded with more birds and squirrels enjoying their food.  Such fun to watch the wild critters.

Chewy, the pet food deliver company, had a rough week last week.  I get emails when the food is to arrive.  First, I got one saying my package would arrive on Friday.  Second, I got a message saying my package would arrive on Saturday.  Then I got a message that my package “would arrive in a few days”.  Sort of like Southwest Airlines!

Had a message from American Express that I needed to update some information to keep my credit card active.  I do not carry an American Express card so I know it was a scam.  Those scammers are really active and I am sure they get some replies or they would not continue their offensive behavior. Always be careful what you click on.

Had a new symbol on my TV screen.  It was an emblem of a remote with a battery showing a low charge so I changed the batteries in the remote.  Buy big packages of AA and AAA batteries at Menards so I always have a supply.

Was talking to a friend about Tic Tok.  Think that our children use it a lot.  I have never used the site but understand it has 30 second videos.  Seems that the attention span of a lot of youth is therefore about 30 seconds.  I find this very scary.  Having degrees in science and math, I know first hand that no real concept can be understood in 30 seconds or less.

Guess I am just pathetic.  Spent New Years Eve with Puff and two Hallmark movies.

A devotional guide which I use said “the real work of Christmas is doing what we can to alleviate suffering”.  Thought on that one for a while.  There are so many types of suffering.  The first which comes to my mind is the war in Ukraine.  Then there is hunger, illness, not having a warm home, not having two parents who care, needing a job or a mode of transportation and so many more.  There is very little we can do about the suffering of many but there is some that we can help with.  Though I have a large fairly warm home, am not sure I would invite all who need a warm place into my home.  Appears I have a way to go on this one.  On the other hand, some who suffer need to look at the end of their own sleeve for that “helping hand”.  Hopefully each of us will do what we can to alleviate the suffering of others.

That of course leads to scattering kindness and love to those around us.  May 2023 hold many good things for you.  Good health, good friends, enough to eat, and the belief that our God is always near us no matter what.


Posted in Plymouth News