We Are Community 153
Was doing what I do best on a Sunday afternoon, taking a nap, when my weather radio went off. Thunder storms around Carthage and Adrian but not a drop of rain here. Even the creeping Charlie is dying.
Would like to thank the family of Dick Miller for having the PCCC be part of his memorial. The funds will go to help pay for the new roof. Thank you so much.
Still trying to raise funds for the roof. Made out a grant application to the Fellheimer Trust and hand carried it to Macomb on Thursday. Looked and looked for our Ein number, asked two lawyers for help, only to find that I had it all the time. Just did not look like I expected it to look! That time could have been put to better use. Oh well.
I love hand made quilts. Repaired one and hung it at the store this week. Also soaked out one that I recently purchased. It is ready to go to the store. I am always looking to buy older hand sewn quilts. They hold many memories as the fabric is often left over from a hand made garment. My grandmother quilted so I have one she made for my wedding.
Pop A Top had an event on Saturday to raise money for a veteran’s organization. Understand that it was very successful. Thanks to all who supported the event. There was even a food truck on the Square for the event. There is a food truck on the Square at other times also. I think that is neat!
The visitation for Wayne Norris was on Saturday. Also saw that Doran Drake passed yesterday. Our sympathy to both these families. Have known the Norris family all my life and the Drake family is very well known in our area. Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers.
Attended the American Legion Memorial Day ceremony on Monday. It is so nice of them to invite all to a pot luck held after the ceremony. Both were well attended.
Had bnb guests for two nights. Then they were off for Branson and then Texas for a family reunion. One of the ladies was from Switzerland, home of my dad’s parents.
I love the Hy-Vee deli in Macomb. I eat there often! They have a great tenderloin sandwich which has been on sale for $5 for a very long time. One can purchase sides with it. A side is $1.49 so that should be $6.49 plus tax. Must be preprogrammed in the computer as they always tell me it is $7.99 plus tax and of course, being a math and physics major, I always correct them. They are really nice about my math mania.
I love pie. Who, in their right mind doesn’t! Probably my favorite pie is rhubarb or gooseberry. I make them exactly the same way except for the main ingredient. I have rhubarb and am saving a volunteer gooseberry plant even though it is in my front yard. Break out a pie shell and try this recipe. Mix 1 ¼ cup sugar, ¼ cup flour, 1 tsp ground nutmeg and 3 eggs. Add 4 cups of fairly thinly sliced rhubarb and mix well. Put in a 9-inch-deep dish pie shell. Cut together 1/3 cup butter, 1/3 cup packed brown sugar and 1/3 cup flour and sprinkle or glob on top of the pie. Bake at 400 degrees for 40 minutes, 375 degrees convection. Good warm but even better the next day or two if it lasts that long. Enjoy.
Was so busy talking to a customer this week that I forgot to charge them for one item. They called to ask my address so that they could send me payment for that item. Just love that there are honest people in this world.
Have a great week. Scatter kindness and love.