Sunday is supposed to be a day for going to Church and then a day of rest. Do manage the first part of that every Sunday but day of rest-no. One of our pastors said that doing something different or something you enjoy is OK. I’m going to go with that! Got out my Mantis electric tiller last Sunday and tilled my garden spot. A friend had given me tomato plants and I was anxious to get them planted. Also had summer squash seed and beet seed to plant. Thought the ground might be too wet but actually it tilled perfectly. After I got those things planted went to Bob Kessler’s stand in front of the old Plymouth School. He had an amazing variety of both vegetable and flower plants so bought eight egg plants and several packages of flowers for home and the store. Got all of that planted and was pleased until I drove past the garden later in the week and saw two rabbits happily munching off four of the egg plants. Need to go see Bob again. If you need any garden plants or flowers, stop and see Bob. He had a good variety of heirloom tomatoes too.
Monday the Plymouth American Legion held a Memorial Day Service at eleven on the west side of the Plymouth Square. There was an excellent attendance. Josh Phelps sang the National Anthem and the Girl Scouts led the Pledge of Allegiance. Randy Smith gave the address and there was a twenty one gun salute by our veterans. After the service everyone was invited to stay for a pot luck lunch. Rhodes Market graciously donated the ham for the meal. Thanks to everyone who helped out with this event. It was very much appreciated.
Have out two humming bird feeders and had two humming birds this week but instead of each using a feeder, they kept chasing each other off one feeder. Don’t know why they do that. Another thing that bothers me is when I see small birds seeming to attack or just harass larger birds. Don’t understand that either.
My gray furry friend ate the kitty food in the live trap and did not trip the door again this week. I just rewired the trap and set it again. It is pretty friendly and sometimes does not notice me sitting on the porch and heads for the food pan while I am there. Surely would like to relocate him/her.
Broke a tooth this week so went to see my dentist who also happens to be my cousin. He gave me three options. Do nothing, see an oral surgeon and get the rest of the tooth out or get a crown put on what is left. As I am determined to keep my teeth and have several crowns, I opted for that scenario. Problem was that Dr. McClure is taking Boy Scouts to Arizona this week and will be gone for at least two weeks. Not a problem as the tooth feels better now that it has broken.
The Plymouth Village Board meeting was Wednesday evening. Everyone was present. The new lawyer seems to do a really good job and to be knowledgeable. Was a bit of conflict between a person attending the meeting and our policeman. It is way past time that our ordinances are enforced and that will upset some people. Noticed that the police car now has lettering and lights on it. Looks good.
Lowderman Auction was Thursday. I check the offerings on Wednesday and there were four duck decoys made by Velony Canfield of Dallas City on the sale. I wanted them. They brought over what I can sell them for so hope they have a good home. Canfield always put what type of wood they were made of and signed each duck on the bottom. Got the van unloaded on Friday but am still cleaning and pricing.
Again I would like to thank all the people who comment on this column. I really appreciate knowing that you enjoy reading my musings.
Clayton Bollin had his Eagle Scout Badge of Honor Ceremony at Living Faith United Methodist Church on Sunday. Congratulations to Clayton for attaining this high honor.
Has been a lovely week. Hope you got to do some yard work and enjoy the weather. Hope the rabbits did not eat your plants! The flowers are just lovely this year. Roses are currently blooming. The lilies are starting to bloom as are many other plants like holly hocks and geraniums. Take a few minutes “to stop and smell the roses” and be kind to everyone you meet this week. Scatter Kindness.