We Are Community for the week of March 14th, 2022, by Joyce Steiner

We Are Community by Joyce Steiner

Congratulations to the Southeastern 7th grade girls volley ball team for taking 1st place in the state tournament on Saturday.  They won over Pontiac St. Mary’s in two sets 25-16 and 25-16.

There are two events which I want you to put on your calendars.  A J Johnson will celebrate her 90th birthday on April 16th.  Her address is P O Box 202, Plymouth, IL 62367.  Why not send her a birthday card?

The second is that there will be a Plymouth School Reunion for all who attended school in Plymouth on Sunday, June 15th.  Tentative plans include a tour of Plymouth lead by Rod Cookson at 11:00 am and lunch at the PCCC at noon.  You are asked to send a check for $10 to Marge Goodin, 5395 E 200th St. Plymouth, IL 62367 by May 15th.  If there is more information, or if I have something incorrect, there will be more information later.

I thought that we had snow on the last four Thursdays but looks like last week’s actually was on Sunday night- Monday morning and there was not much snow then but we did manage to get about three inches of snow again this Thursday.  Hopefully that will be the last snow of the season.  I have declared that so and began clearing the old stems and creeping Charlie from my flower beds this evening.  Nice to have daylight later.

Since I may not be the only one who has never done a covid test until this week, will briefly tell you about a home test.  I ordered the home tests when they were offered.  Normally would not even think much about cold symptoms but since covid, our thinking has changed.  Tuesday morning, I opened the package and followed the instructions.  One swabs both insides of their nose, puts the swab in a container and mixes the swab with liquid in the small container, squeezing the container to be sure the mixture is well mixed and then puts three drops on an indicator. After 15 minutes, there will be only one line if the test is negative and two if it is positive.  This is not difficult or painful so would suggest that if you have any doubts whatsoever, that you do a test.  The first time is always the most difficult.

The Plymouth Village Board met Wednesday evening.  Tedd Simmons noted that he would be checking for lead water pipes.  For some this will be as simple as checking the meter pit, others will be more difficult.  Since lead in our drinking water can cause serious health issues, this is very important to us all.

It occurred to me this week that we opened Plymouth Rock Antiques in 1982 so this is our 40th year.  Pretty good accomplishment for a small store.  Think I finally have all the items priced from the last auction.

Plymouth does not have porch pirates.  A sign on my front door asks that one “use the back door” is not heeded by Fed Ex.  Neighbors have had packages delivered to my front porch.  B&B guests have had packages delivered to my front porch.  I have been expecting a book order for a while now and checked its status on Saturday.  The report said Fed Ex had delivered it on Friday of last week.  Sure enough, the package was on a chair on my front porch!

This week’s quote, “It is possible to trust God and really struggle at the same time”.  This is from one of this week’s devotions.  I know that we are all struggling with what is happening in Ukraine.   How can one man be responsible for so many lives snuffed out without reason and for so much destruction and terror inflicted on others.  This is a truly evil man with seemingly unlimited power to do as he wishes.  Remind you of anyone in history.  Please pray for an end to the fighting in Ukraine without Ukraine being totally destroyed or losing its status as a country and not becoming just a part of the Soviet Union.  Please pray for the people of Ukraine and an end to this awful needless war.


Posted in Plymouth News