We Are Community 89
I forgot to mention that Mary Keller told me that Jan Stewart had passed away. Her husband, Glen, was pastor in the Augusta Larger Parish many years ago. I believe that Parish served seven churches in our area including both Plymouth and Augusta.
Today is the official first day of spring. I know that we are all ready. My flowers are celebrating the day. Have daffodils and Lenten Roses both blooming. The rebirth of spring is certainly one of the reasons to live in the Midwest. Starting weeding flower beds and taking off dead vegetation this week. That is a really big job around my house.
Well, I hope you did better on pi day than I did. 3.14 passed without one single piece of pie. I think it should be a requirement that we all consume pie on pi day. My computer does not have any Greek keys-sorry.
The neighbor to my left moved this week. I can now walk out my door without being barked at and I have a new very pretty kitty. Hope they do well in their new home. I cannot even imagine moving. That would be very traumatic.
On Wednesday a young man came into the store. He bought a set of binoculars, a large door handle, a horse collar and a rocking horse. He said that he had “just found his new favorite store”. After the transaction, he handed me another bill. Asked him what that was for and he said a “tip”. Second tip this week. I did a set of four mat caned chairs for a customer and they did not think I charged enough and also gave me a tip. There are a lot of really nice people in our world, we just hear more about the other kind of people.
There has been an announcement that the Hotel Nauvoo will reopen on Friday and Saturday evenings April 1st and 2nd. Can’t wait.
Had guests for the last three days who are thinking of moving to Plymouth. They were lovely people and hope they will do so.
Also met the lady of the family who purchased the former Keith and Mable Horney house just north of Augusta. Was happy to meet her. People who love old houses have a lot in common. She said her husband was an electrician which helps explain the large Christmas light display they had this year.
Will be doing the Mark Twain Lake Antique Show and Sale this weekend. It is at the Paris, MO High School gym. The show runs from 9 to 3 on Saturday March 26th. The first time I did the show I was surprised to see several dealers from 3rd Sunday Market there also. Very nice show for the size. If you need to get out for a day, why not drive over. The serve homemade pie-it’s never too late for pi day!
Yesterday there were cars parked on both sides of the street for Pop A tops Again and one car in front of my antique store. Am going to have to take lessons on drawing customers. Really glad to see people coming to Plymouth.
The war rages on in Ukraine. We are far removed from the conflict and cannot possibly imagine the horror that is happening there. Despite one building being clearly marked as having children in it, it was bombed and many lives were lost. Searches still go on for the missing children. Pray for the end of the Russian aggression. Pray for all the brave men and women fighting for the very existence of their country.
Enjoy spring, Show love for to all God’s creatures whether human, plant or animal.