Today is Palm Sunday. The day we remember the joyful entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Crowds cheered and palm branches were waved. But this was all leading up to unimaginable suffering on Good Friday. Easter Sunday gives us the promise of a life after this one. Easter, like spring is a time for renewal.
My flowers are lovely. Have many daffodils blooming plus crocus, hyacinth and some small blue flowers. Also notice that the lilac is leafing out. Then there is the weather prediction on my phone for freezing temperatures this week. Hope all the spring growth lives through the cold temperatures. We are so very fortunate to not have had the storms other areas have suffered through.
Monday I totally uncovered the fish ponds and removed the fish and frog who didn’t make it through the winter. I also noticed my first misquotes on Monday and suspect a connection! Another sure sign of spring at my home is when I move kitties to their “summer home”. Victoria is in the garden shed with her screened in front porch now and is sleeping on top of her insulated bed instead of in it. Am sure she misses Victor and wonders just where he has gone.
All elections are important but we hear so much about national elections and so little about local elections. We have very important local elections coming up on Tuesday, April 6th. I hope you will remember to vote. We have some very good candidates in Plymouth who currently serve Plymouth. Hope you will support Tammy Webber, Dylan McCurdy and Nicole Milliman in the local elections.
Kyle Kelso had an online antique auction this week. Did not think I would participate as I always get outbid in the last seconds. There were some things I really wanted so tried again and the same thing happened again. Told Kyle that I did not like the online auctions and hoped they would return to live auctions soon. He assured me they would and are having a live auction in April. Yea!
Noticed in the Quincy paper and on the News that all people over sixteen can now get covid shots. This is great news. I have a sign at Plymouth Rock that “masks are required” but now ask customers if they have been vaccinated for covid and if they have, I relax the rules as I too have had my shots. Think I have mentioned that I feel a bit like a dog when I tell people that “I have had my shots” but I feel this is important for each of us to know.
Am realizing just how important that social media is to small business. For the last two weekends, I have put a variety of photos on face book and mentioned my store hours. I am very grateful for the customers who have come out the last two weekends!
It has been a tough year for us all. The political climate, the spread of covid, the isolation for so many, no funerals, few church activities, few sports, and so many more restrictions became a way of life in 2020. Thankfully we are now seeing new hopefulness. Was reminded of this on Tuesday when one of the Bible readings from Corinthians in part said “We are hard pressed on every side but not crushed”. Hope you have not been crushed and that as Easter approaches you will find renewed joy and hope.
Happy spring, Happy Easter. May you find joy in small things like flowers and new life.