We Are Community for the week of Match15th, 2021, by Joyce Steiner


Kenneth Schluter passed on Sunday, March 7th.  He was the father of Karen Janssen of Augusta.  He was also one of the last employees of Morton Seed Company in Bowen.  Memorials may be made to the Bowen Cemetery Association.

Lloyd Alexander of Augusta passed on March 11.  He was the father of Donald Alexander of Augusta.  Memorials may be made to the Faith Lutheran Church or the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s research.

Please keep the family and friends of both these people in your thoughts and prayers.

Has been a nice week.  Hope you all got to enjoy the spring weather.  I often ride my bicycle west of Plymouth on the black top and heard the first frog songs of the season this week.  Also opened the end of my three fish ponds this week.  One seemed fine, the second had a large dead fish in it and the third had a dead frog in it.  Not all bad news as there was also a live frog and some tadpoles in the one pond and a live fish near the deceased one.  Normally the fish live through the winter if the frogs do not eat them all!  Will wait until the weather is warmer to completely uncover the ponds.

Have been using face book and face book market place to list a few items which are for sale at Plymouth Rock.  Sold a set of china from market place and when the lady came to pick it up, her daughter bought another set of china.  Also listed a bird bath on our pottery site and it sold.  Almost had a fight over it.  Great piece.  One can learn so much by visiting face book sites like the Collectors of Illinois Pottery and Stoneware site.  Every day people post photos of finds and also ask questions about pottery and its value.  Really amazing how much knowledge is out there and how willing people are to share their knowledge to help out someone else.

Heard something galloping across my front porch one night this week.  As have had coon problems on my roof, immediately went out and set a coon trap.  When I actually checked the front porch, there was a very large fluffy red  kitty on the porch.  Good news.  Something did eat the marshmallows out of the trap however and don’t think that was a cat.

Sprig has come to my back yard.  Have several clumps of Lenten Roses in bloom.  Both white and lavender.  Also have a lot of daffodils blooming.  Many of them are miniature daffodils and some regular size.  The miniature ones are so cute and have lots of blooms on them.

Have been turning down Bed and Breakfast guests but now that I have both of my shots, am  accepting guests again.  There were several people in the store this week also.  Glad that people are getting vaccinated and that things can become more “normal”.  We were actually able to sing hymns in church today.  We are still wearing masks and social distancing but we are progressing each week.

Last week told you about going to the Mississippi River just to sit on the bank and enjoy the view.  Today went for a “Sunday Drive”.  Have missed those simple pleasures during the pandemic and the winter.  So nice to have spring  here, I am going to say it is here even if we get another blast of frigid air.

Have a good week.  Stop and smell the flowers.  Scatter Kindness.


Posted in Plymouth News