We Are Community 176
Scams, scams-this week I have repeatedly been told that I have a package which cannot be delivered because they do not have my complete address. This might be more believable if I did not get the same message three times in one morning and some how they do not have my address but do have my cell number. Beware of any message that just doesn’t seem right and really give some thought before you provide any information on the internet.
Please remember that this Saturday, the 18th, is the Holiday Bazaar at the PCCC. There will be soup, crafts, baked goods and more. All proceeds will go to the upkeep of the building. Hours are from 9 am to 6 pm.
IEAR met at Hy-Vee in Macomb on Monday. After eating in the Deli, we moved upstairs for a program on nutrition for seniors. Very interesting and thanks to Hy-Vee for helping educate us on some important eating habits.
Unloaded and priced stoneware then went to the Lowderman auction and bought more goodies for the store. Still unloading and pricing. Consolidated my book offering and am putting more displays in the aisle when you enter the store. Hope to feature specific things in the new display. This should spur me to move some things and maybe even decorate for the holidays.
I think there will be a December Open to the World Auction at Lowdermans because there were some racks that they did not get to on the November auction. That is just fine with me. We need more local live auctions -not less.
Noticed that Barry Louderman was elected as mayor of Hannibal. This is the same person we hired to manage Plymouth Rock Café many years ago. Some of you will remember our café for its brevity.
The deer population is down several this week. A hunter who often stays at my B&B got a deer this week as did everyone else I talked to on Sunday. Remember if you have more meat than you can use, please donate it to the Southeastern food pantry located in the Living Faith UMC in Bowen. Also, the Southeastern Food Pantry is in need of financial donations. Checks to the Southeastern Food Pantry may be dropped off at Plymouth Rock and I will take them to the church or you may send donations to the church. The food pantry is a very important asset to our community.
The weather has been really nice for November. Will be just fine if it continues all winter. The weather man said that it would be warmer and dryer this winter due to the ocean current pattern which is currently in place. Love 70-degree days in November. Took advantage of the higher temp to mow leaves in my yard today. I prefer to mulch them to raking and burning as it is more beneficial to the soil and better for those with allergies to not have to breath the smoke.
Hope you have a good week. Enjoy the great weather. Be kind to those you come in contact with this week. Scatter Kindness and Love where ever you go.