We Are Community 123
There will be a benefit Bazaar for the PCCC at the PCCC on Saturday November 19th from 9 to 4 pm. There will be crafts, soup by the quart, baked goods, candy and more. Door prizes will be drawn each half hour. Please come out and enjoy shopping locally, see your friends and enjoy the day. The PCCC is the former Methodist Church in Plymouth and is located just west of the Plymouth Square.
Many of you know that my home is also a Bed and Breakfast though since covid it has been short on the breakfast part. I have always had a lot of hunters stay here and this week was no exception. One gentleman comes from Florida and stays several times a year as he also owns land here and works on it. Had a gentleman and his daughter and another and his son. Not sure if anyone took home a deer but first they all said it was too warm then went home because it got too cold! We are a hard bunch to please! I learned that one can even hire a tracking dog to help find a wounded deer. Two ladies called for rooms this week as the hotel had lost their reservations. I said “it is hunting season”. Poor lady said “what does that mean?”
Juanita Briggs, 106 years old of Macomb, passed away this week. Such a wonderful full life she led. She will be missed by family and friends.
Some need to be reminded that those solid yellow stripes on the highway are not just there for decoration. I have noticed that they are being ignored. I normally drive just over the speed limit but people pass me at a much higher rate of speed. Today, between Augusta and Plymouth, a black pickup was speeding and headed around me in a no passing zone. He had to slam on his brakes and duck back in to avoid hitting another truck head on. What could be so important that you would risk lives to save a few seconds. I have noticed that one catches up with the speeding driver at the next stop sign anyway.
I didn’t win the power ball jackpot but I did buy a couple of tickets. It is fun to think who we would share the winnings with and what organizations we could help out. Got a call that I had won millions and a new car in the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes one morning this week. I did not enter that contest so knew it was a scam call. A few minutes later I had a call that 4 people wanted to stay at me bnb for two weeks. They ask for the total cost of the stay. That is a scam too. If one falls for the scam, they pretend to send an overpayment and you are to refund the overage. Eventually one finds that it was a scam and that you not only do not have the booking but you are also out the refund. It is fairly obvious that this is a scam when your address is in bcc.
Tuesday was election day. I voted about noon and was number 67. I understand that a majority of voters in Plymouth actually voted. Good job. Thanks to the people who take their time to work at the polls.
There were two weddings in Plymouth this week. So glad that these people have found a second partner. Congratulations. Must admit to being just a tiny bit jealous however.
Had a great day at the store on Tuesday. Another dealer came and bought lots and lots of pottery and a few other things too. Thanks so much. Love my antique store.
Spent Saturday in Pittsfield at a stoneware auction. PCRE Auction does a very good job with set up, auctioning and getting the items to you. They do it in such a way that items should not be taken before one gets a chance to load them. That is really appreciated. Got two pigs and a churn from Colchester and more.
Remember to come out to the Bazaar. There is an event in Augusta the same day so perhaps you can enjoy both. Have a great week and scatter kindness and love.