We Are Community for the week of Feb 3rd, 2025, by Joyce Steiner

We Are Community 240

There have been three recent passings in our community.  Glenn Jurgens passed on Jan 25th at the age of 98.  He has many relatives in the area including his daughter, Debbie Niell, of Bowen.  June Wood passed on Jan 26th at the age of 89.  She has two children who live in Bowen.  Kenny Hellyer passed away at the Golden Good Shepherd Home.  These people will certainly be missed.  Our sympathy to their family and friends.

Attended the production of “The Wizard of Oz” at the Legacy Theater on Saturday evening.  It had been my opinion that the production would be a group of professionals augmented with local youth.  I was wrong.  The whole cast was local youth.  This performance was sponsored by Ramsey Financial Services and we thank them for that sponsorship.  I think programs like this are very important since some arts and music programs are being cut back in the schools.

January was pretty slow at Plymouth Rock Antiques but it ended on a higher note on Friday and Saturday.  Even had a good customer on Sunday who asked if I would open for him.  Glad to open anytime I am in town if you need special hours.  Thank You.

Have driven a VW since my husband passed 23 years ago.  Decided that I had better get a new car as one 23 years old is probably no longer dependable.  Bought a Toyota, a brand which I have never driven before, but am learning about.  I no longer need to worry about the first dent.  The second day I drove it; it sustained a severe dent in the door from the door from an SUV which parked next to us.  Just glad it was not worse and that the lady let me know what and who had caused the accident.   Thank you.

Finished caning a chair this week.  If you have never done that, it is hard to believe just how long it takes and how difficult it can be.  How hard should it be to stick cane through holes in a wood chair anyway.  Well, if it is larger cane, the holes get very crowded and it is a struggle to get those final pieces of cane crowded into the holes.  Had a customer bring in another chair to cane.  Problem was that it was originally meant to be filled with prewoven cane but someone had drilled it who evidentially did not understand chair caning.  Now it can neither be caned or have prewoven cane put in it as the edges are too weak.  Will ask her if I might replace the seat with some nice woven fabric on a wooden back.

Hy-Vee is actually cheaper than Walmart on Progresso soups.

I have found the week to be very distressing.  I am not a white male.  Everyone else has come under fire this week.  Two deadly plane crashes have occurred.  It is my understanding that all the information on persons drawing social security and more has been collected from government files.  New tariffs have been promised on both sides of our borders.  This will increase prices for goods as we do much trading with Mexico and Canada.  Psalm 35:18 states “The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”.  I need that assurance now.

Many people are hurting.  Be kind to them.  Scatter Kindness and Love even though it may not be popular right now.



Posted in Plymouth News