Congratulations to Bob and Linda Bradshaw who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary with an open house at Living Faith United Methodist Church on Sunday. The decorations were lovely, the many cakes looked beautiful and the banana cocoanut which I tried was great. Also very much enjoyed the many family photos. So nice to see everyone from the family and the community.
I have a five story kitty house on my back porch. I feed my kitties in the morning and often there is a bit of food left in the evening. As it attracts ants, one evening I put the left over food on top of the house instead of bringing it in. It was still there in the morning. The next time I tried that, I happened to look out the door and saw one coon happily sitting on the top of the house eating the food and another coon climbing up the porches to get to the food dish. Coons must be very smart!
Wednesday was the 4th of July. Went to Carthage to be in the parade. My nice, Marcella Hardin, and nephew, Roger Steiner, came over for the parade. We had lunch in Carthage then they went to Macomb to be with their brother, Curtis Steiner and family and I went home for a while. Eventually we all ended up in Macomb for the fire works. I was almost under them-maybe a bit too close!
The Plymouth Village Board met on Thursday evening as there normal meeting date was the holiday. Two Board members, Cathy Crook and Bob Orris were absent. Tedd Simmons reported that one of the pumps at the sewer plant had burned up because a towel got tangled up in it. Who puts towels in the toilet? Anyway it will cost approximately $6000 to replace the pump. Please be careful what you flush.
Going on a rant here. One of the 10 commandments is “thou shalt not steal”. I went to a restaurant in Macomb on Friday evening. They have an “all you can eat” catfish fillet special for $6.95. This includes salad, potato and a vegetable as well as the fish. You can ask for additional fish if you like. I observed a couple in the booth next to me who looked as though they had finished their meal and then the lady ordered more fish. She got a “to go” box and put her vegetables in it and when the fish came, she wrapped them and put them in her purse-not the box. This tells me that she knew that she was not to order more fish to take home or she would have put them in the box instead of her purse which she then zipped closed. Stealing is stealing. A buffet or an “all you can eat” entry does not include all you can put in your purse to take home. It is not possible to make money on a $6.95 special. Please be considerate when dining out.
Noticed in the Hancock County paper that Nauvoo was having fire works on Saturday evening after a band concert in front of the Mormon Temple. Only thing better than one evening of fire works is two evenings of fire works. After closing the store, went to Hamilton and got a sandwich then ate it on the river bank. The water lilies are in bloom so that was lovely. Went on to Nauvoo for the fire works which were shot off over the river. That was very nice. What was also very pretty was that there were two other places also shooting off fire works along the river farther south of Nauvoo so we got to see fireworks from three localities all at once. Will plan to go to Nauvoo for fire works again next year.
Saturday there were quite a few people in the store. I was really happy to see friends come in because I had a really big really heavy cupboard in the back of my van. I was very grateful that they helped me get it into Antiques II. Later a nice young man helped hang a LED lamp in the main store. Thanks so much for coming in, for taking some things home and for helping me with the cupboard and the light.
Just will mention that Wesley Village will be having their 24th Annual Ice Cream Social on August 3rd from 6-8 pm. The Bullis Rutter Big Band will entertain while you enjoy your ice cream. Why not plan to attend.
Hope you had a great 4th. Hope also that you have a good week. Scatter kindness.