Or Ode to My Cell Phone
Unless you have a vivid memory of 1918, no one could have imagined a year like 2020. I would never have thought that I would be spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with only my kitty, Prince Harry. My dad’s family was not large but we always celebrated Christmas as a family rotating from one home to another. When that generation passed, the Steiner Christmas came to our home. Now this generation gets smaller and smaller even losing one cousin this year, but there has always been a Steiner Christmas until 2020.
My Christmas morning began at 7:54 am when I got my first text wishing me a Merry Christmas. Several others followed and I sent several texts to friends and family also. It was a peaceful morning and I loved hearing from friends and relatives. I did not have to rush down and put a turkey in the oven and hope all turned out well.
I read my daily devotion. When I looked at the book to find the daily Bible reading and turned to the Bible, it opened to the exact page and chapter of the reading. What are the chances of that happening. That event told me that I was not alone and that God was with me at that moment. What more can we ask.
Cell phones, a curse or a way to connect with people when we cannot actually be with them. After the bag phone, we got flip phones and I hung onto mine as long as possible. Did not think I needed a smart phone because all I used a phone for was a phone. Anyway I finally decided to get a smart phone. For a while it was a lot smarter than I but I am slowly learning its ways. I am not addicted as some seem to be. I can still hold a conversation with another person while looking at them. But I do use it a lot. I do not like to actually talk on a phone as I had to do way too much of that when I was on the IEA Board but I love texting!
When I see something which I appreciate such as a flower, a bird, a sunset, a kitty, an abandoned building, a comic strip and more, first I enjoy It, then I very likely will take a photo of it with my phone and save it for future reference to share with others. I cannot believe what good photos one can take with just a phone!
Living Faith is no longer meeting in the building. We did try to have a Christmas Eve service outside on Christmas Eve. The weather has been warmer than usual by about twenty degrees but not so on December 24th. It was about ten degrees and the howling wind made a wind chill factor of near zero. We tried, but the service was short. Pastor Sheri and others connected with Living Faith made a You tube presentation for Christmas and Christmas Eve. More really good uses of your cell phone. I actually watch these on my computer as when I try to watch on my phone, it has a way of deciding when to end the presentation which may not be at or near the end. Anyway we are staying connected with our church family largely through the use of cell phones.
Since we who are worried about catching covid spend a lot of time alone, we could be lonely. Cell phone to the rescue. Most every day I receive and send good morning messages from and to friends. I love this interaction. It lets us both know that another person is thinking of us. If you are alone, or even if you are not, try reaching out to another person. It just may be the very best way to start your day and theirs too. This is also a good time to share some of those neat photos you have saved to your phone and is a subtle way of checking to be sure the person is OK.
If you, like me, have resisted getting a smart phone, just do it! The cost is much cheaper than I was paying for my flip phone and a hot spot. You will be absolutely amazed at how much you will enjoy it. I even use mine to try to drum up some business for my store.
There was lots of hype about the Christmas star which was actually the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. I went out several nights to view the star. It was lovely but not really what I had hoped for. Friday night I tried to focus my telescope on the star but my hands got so cold that it took some time for them to warm again. Guess I will just enjoy the great photos others have put on the internet actually showing Jupiter’s moons and Saturn’s rings because I could see neither with my binoculars.
As we look forward to leaving 2020, do not be discouraged when covid does not immediately disappear in the New Year. There will actually be a surge due to people gathering for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. However later in 2021, we should see covid wind down as inoculations become more wide spread.
May you have a blessed New Year. May you remain healthy or recover completely from the virus. If you are one of the many who has lost a loved one, may you feel the love and support of your friends and family. May we remember some of the good things about 2020. If you were able to slow down a bit and connect with nature, family and friends more, may that continue. If you are one of those “front line” workers may we continue to praise you and continue to appreciate the sacrifices which you have made to help others.
God Bless and Have a good New Year.