We Are Community 229
Couple of announcements. Remember the Plymouth Circle Bazaar this Saturday November 23rd beginning at 9 am. There will be soup by the quart, crafts, baked goods, candy, cookies and more. Come out and support the Plymouth Circle Community Center.
Also, I still have tickets for the Plymouth American Legion Holiday Cash Raffle at the antique store. They are only selling 200 at $10 each for cash prizes.
On Monday the Illinois Education Association Retired teachers went to Jacksonville to visit two sites from the Underground Railroad. The first was Woodland Farm which was settled in 1824 by Michael Huffaker. As he employed free blacks, blacks fleeing to freedom could easily blend in on his farm. The house has been largely restored and filled with mostly period antiques. I have to wonder if it is helpful to give information to the tour guide. I did tell him that the stoneware thing on the kitchen cupboard was a cemetery vase and not a kitchen item but did not mention that the lighting was 1960 and not 1860. Most in our group did not know about the numerous Underground Railroad sites in Jacksonville and I think all would enjoy learning more.
Also attended the Democratic meeting in Carthage on Monday. After it was over, I stopped by Hardees for supper. The chair of our group, Michael Thompson, saw my car and stopped to check in with me. I can tell you that was much appreciated.
Went to the Golden Good Shephard Home for Singing and Mingling on Tuesday evening. There was a nice group from Living Faith and Pastor Sheri led the singing. I think everyone enjoyed the time together.
There are so many good things to say about Rudy’s Restaurant in Augusta. One of them is the “communal” table located near the pick-up window at the back of the restaurant. As a widow for many years, I eat most of my meals alone and don’t necessarily want to eat alone when I go out too. Often there is no one I know there on Friday evening so go to the table to sit. If there is not already someone there, there soon will be. Just good to have company and everyone feels free to sit at that table and chat whether we know each other or not. Sunday I was meeting friends there for lunch but another church member sat at the communal table and was shortly joined by others. So nice to have this option.
Bought two large book racks and have been condensing my books on antiques into them. Have gone from six book racks to four and now to three. Freeing up prime space for antiques and trying to make the store more inviting when one enters. Come in and see the new look. Also planning to organize my doilies more as have hundreds of them that need to be sorted into like types.
Been trying to prepare for winter. Mowed some of the leaves and cut the peonies off today. Still more to do.
Hope you enjoyed the nice fall day today. I stopped and sat on the patio for a while as one never knows have many more warm days we will have. Enjoy the last of the fall leaves and the pretty sunsets. The sun is now setting before the store closes. Scatter Kindness and Love and remember to pray for everyone who is ill or who just need prayer.