We Are Community 230
Would like to thank al the people who came to the Plymouth Community Center Bazaar on Saturday. We had an amazing number of really cute and innovative crafts for sale as well as so many baked goods that there were tables everywhere filled with goodies. Also soup by the quart. A really big thank you to the ladies who spent many, many days at the center creating all the crafts. Funny story about my baking for the bazaar. I have made angel food cakes for years and years. When I read one package, it warned about under baking as the cake could fall out of the pan. Thought that was interesting but did not think much about it. My angel foods rise over the top of the pan so I put the three legs of the cake pan on tin cans to raise it while it cools and before I take it out of the pan. Had one cooling and when I looked at it, it had indeed let go of the side of the pan and one side was smashed. Hum guess I underbaked it!
One can get two types of angel food mixes. One you simply add water and beat about a minute and a half. The other is two steps. You beat the egg whites for five minutes then gradually fold in the dry ingredients. Wanted to see which one was best so I tried one of each. Like the two step better. It rose taller than the other and I thought had a moister and better flavor. It was also the one that let go of the side of the pan!
The Colchester Historical Society met at the Colchester library on Monday evening. The program was given by the Lake Rangers on the cemetery located within the lake grounds. Very interesting program. I am related to some of the people in the cemetery through my mother’s side of the family.
When I arrived back in Plymouth eventually noticed that it was very dark. Finally dawned that the power was out and continued to be out for a couple of hours. Never did hear what caused the outage but it was pretty wide spread. Watched Jimmy Fallon and noted that hot pants are back! Found that interesting. Think I have tossed all my tall boots by now.
Living Faith met on Tuesday evening to set dates for the various committees for the year. Several people made different soups for the evening. They were great. Thank You. I am always a bit amused that we do this as during the year we most always change the dates.
A lot of you know Russ Crull as he has a hunting cabin here. Congratulations on his son for being appointed as a judge.
Saw a “cherry” tree at Walmart. It was six foot tall and has white lights with plastic cherry blossoms on the branches. Thought it had possibilities so purchased one and set it up. I bent the branches down to make it a weeping cherry tree. Love it! Thought I might replace my Christmas tree with another weeping cherry but cannot find one tall enough.
Got one of my bat houses put up today. Am anxious to see if it works.
Many of you have grandchildren. I have kitties. I cannot resist taking photos of my kitties just as you cannot resist taking photos of your grands in various cute situations. This week one of the ferals was sitting in one of the large metal flower kettles at the store so had to put its picture on face book.
This week is Thanksgiving. If you are “on the green side of the grass” then you have something to be thankful for. Have a great holiday. Remember to keep those less fortunate or who are ill in your thoughts and prayers. Scatter Kindness and Love wherever you go.