We Are Community for the week of Oct 7th, 2024, by Joyce Steiner

We Are Community 223

There has been a lanky shot haired black kitty up town lately.  We I came in from Spoon River this evening, the kitty and Gary Groundhog were playing together behind Antiques II.  Have never seen this happen between such two different species.

Very long week. Had one load at Smithfield for Spoon River Drive and loaded another load and took it over on Friday.  Spent most the day setting up my booth at the Red Brick School gym.  Then I decided that my area needed the pink booth which was in the store so loaded it and took it over on Saturday morning.  As of the end of the first weekend, I have not sold one piece of furniture so maybe that was not a wise decision.

There are lots of things of interest on Facebook.  One item I read this week was about which states were the best to be single in.  When I scrolled down, low and behold, Illinois was listed as the number one state for singles having an amazing score of 273 out of a possible 300.  The score was based on many things, one being the cost of a date.  The rest of the list scored well below Illinois.  Must be doing something wrong as I have been a widow for 22 years.

Another thing I do not like about Facebook is that most every day I get a friend request from some handsome doctor who is usually in the military and is always a widow.  They are also in some remote part of the world.  Though I have very good self-esteem, I know that my profile and posts are not attracting all these great men.  Deleting requests is quick and easy but the problem is that these go out to many people and some do not realize that these men are not real and get taken in by them.  It would not be long before requests for money would be forth coming.  Beware of scams on the internet.

Had antique dealers from Wyoming in the store this week.  They come back every year and buy quite a lot of things.  Always glad to see them.

Watched the Vice-Presidential debate on NBC because that is the network I watch the most.  It was very refreshing to see both men act as adults with no name calling.  I so tire of one of the candidates for President acting like a spoiled child and calling people stupid and worse.  Our country is better than that.  There is never a reason for name calling or belittling a person for any reason.  I will be so glad when the election is over!  My column always ends with “scatter Kindness and Love” and in my opinion our world would be a much better place for all if we did that.  Think of all the hungry people we could feed if we did not need spend so much money on weapons.

I feel so badly for all the victims of the latest hurricane.  The scenes of destruction are more than horrific.  I worry about a roof leak yet so many people have no roof left to leak or no home or business and more.  The scenes of roads completely gone give  insight into just how long all this damage is going to take to get repaired.  Easy to pray for all these people but not sure how to actually help them.  Oh, how I love Illinois!

The first weekend of Spoon River was not a big economic success but it was still great.  We have a nice group of vendors in the gym and it was nice to be with them and eat chicken and noodles.

Come see us next weekend on the Drive.  It is open both Saturday and Sunday again.  Scatter Kindness and Love.

Posted in Plymouth News