We Are Community for the week of Sept 30th, 2024, by Joyce Steiner

We Are Community 222

Think I will begin with food this week.  As not wanting to cook one day this week, ordered two extra Jr Whoppers at Burger King.  If you just leave them in the paper wrapper and microwave one for 30 seconds, they are just like fresh.  Amazing.  Second in my not cooking mode, Campbells Chunky Steak and Potato soup is great.  Comes in a red can and has a nice rich mushroom flavored gravy and lot of potatoes and meat.  Very good for a canned soup.  Strawberries have been pretty cheap at Aldi’s for a while.  Buy the smaller riper ones when you can.  I wash them, cut them into fourths and sprinkle a bit of sugar on them.  Easy and good.  You can get a Frosty at Wendy’s for one dollar for a limited time!

We have had some gray days this week which actually ended with an unexpected beautiful sunset.   One night as I was pulling out of my parking place, four lights in a horizontal row appeared in the western sky.  Knew it was not star link so backed back in and started taking photos again.  Eventually they changed orientation and I could see that they were airplanes but was intrigued for a while.

Sat in on a meeting via zoom this week.  Not a fan!

Plymouth Circle met on Wednesday evening.  We are preparing for our fall Bazaar which helps pay the bills for the Plymouth Community Center.  We will have crafts, baked goods and soup for sale in November.  Watch for details.

Going to preach smart phone here.  Bear with me.  I, like some of you, did not think I wanted or needed a smart phone.  Was forced to get one for my security system.  ALL OF YOU need a smart phone.  My Samsung cost about a hundred dollars and unlimited service is 33.17 per month with US Cellular if I remember correctly.  A lady called this week wanting to sell me some antiques.  Asked her to send photos.  She could not.  Was taking a load of antiques to Smithfield on Friday evening.  Had just turned a corner when a young boy on a bike rode out in front of me.  I missed him by a fraction of a second.  Could easily have needed to make an emergency phone call.  I, like many of you, live alone and have very little family.  I am so glad to have people who text me every morning.  I believe that if I did not respond that someone would soon be checking on me.  Many of my friends have their security systems connected to their phone so they can monitor their home, pets, or whatever they need to check on.  And on and on.  Get a smart phone.  Have it on your person.  Leave it on!  Put it on a charger at night.

Back to the lady who called about antiques to sell.  She had tears in her voice and had just lost her husband and was being forced to downsize.  She did not have a smart phone.  I thought back to when I lost Ben.  I did not know how to use a computer and did not have a smart phone either.  If you have not experienced the loss of a spouse, you cannot truly understand how one’s life suddenly changes.  I had little support and it was just awful.  Made me wonder if we need to organize a support group for anyone who needs help.  It is a bit of a learning curve to learn to use today’s devices.  Perhaps we could be of help.  People are lonely, perhaps we could get together for a meal or a trip.  Maybe you need that morning text to be sure everything is ok.  I am not saying do this for just widows or widowers, but for anyone who needs a bit of help or support.  Any thoughts, let me know.

I need some help to cover my store during Spoon River and COIPS Convention in October.  The store is open noon to 5 pm.  One would need to be able to talk with customers, write a simple ticket and make change.  The pay is awful but I love being at the store which overlooks my sunflowers and the Plymouth Square.  If you are retired and think you might like to try this, please let me know.  I need help starting this Friday, October 4th.

Pray for Sara Guymon and Curtis Baldwin.  His injuries are worse than we thought.  Please keep others in your prayers also.  Scatter Kindness and Love.


Posted in Plymouth News