Has been a tough week in so many ways yet we lit the 3rd Advent candle , the candle of JOY, this morning. Recently we saw the passing of Charles Lugo, an old friend of my late husband’s. The passing of Laura DuPont, the granddaughter of Donna McCutchen of Plymouth and the death of Sylvia Twaddle of Plymouth. So much loss in such a short time. Then as we watched the weather reports live on Friday evening, we had no idea what was going to happen in Missouri and Kentucky later that evening. Our sympathy to the family and loved ones of the people we knew and my heart goes out to all those who lost their lives in the storms and to those who lost their homes and lively hoods as well. It may be difficult to find Joy amid all these terrible tragedies but it is still there if we search for it.
Just tonight I stopped to watch the sunset. While going down, the sun shone through the trees making for a lovely photograph. There are eight of us in the Steiner family. My brother’s widow, her three children and her two grandchildren, her daughter in law and myself. Today I visited my sister in law in the ICU at the hospital. She is improving. At church this morning we were once again served breakfast by fellow church members. My ferals wrap around my legs when I bring them food. Even as I write this my phone is telling me that someone is thinking of me. Each of these events bring me joy and there is so much more to bring joy in our world.
Last week, I and my bicycle tumbled to the black top. I have some really great bruises to show for the fall. Thanks to the wonderful lady who stopped to see if I was OK and who followed me back to town in her head lights. You will all be happy to know that I now own a reflective vest.
Both Plymouth Women’s Circle and the Plymouth Village Board met on Wednesday evening. There was much discussion at the Village meeting about the relationship between the Metzger and the Village Boards. The idea of the relationship seems to change when the lawyers change. Hope both can agree on positive steps to help Plymouth. The large hole on the east side of the Square has been receiving dirt all week. Guess a swimming pool for the Village is out! Will be a lot better looking and a lot safer when the hole is filled and grass is growing on it.
A big thank you to those who decorated the Village Park today. I drove around town to look at the Christmas lights. Last year I went to Keokuk to Rand Park to see the lights display. Today was told that they are even better this year and that many new displays have been added. The beauty of the lights is well worth the trip and it is free but one can give a donation if they wish. Christmas lights also bring Joy.
I noticed that one of my neighbors has put a large box in their front yard with UPS, FedEx etc. written on it for deliveries to their home. I cant help but think that is a really good idea as I have packages delivered to my back door, to my front door and to my side door, two of which I never use and do not find the packages there until I call to see if something was delivered.
Exchanging Christmas cards used to be a pretty universal idea. Now many people tell me that they don’t write Christmas cards. I do. I would like to encourage each of you to do so also. All of us have friends that we don’t see often. They may live far away. We also have friends that we do see often and those with whom we communicate on social media. When I sit down to write Christmas cards, I first write a letter telling some of what has happened in my life in the current year. I also make a Christmas card from a photograph which I love. The photo may be old or new but it has special meaning for me. I then make a list of the people I would really like to wish all the best to. When I address each card, I have warm memories of just how much this person means to me in some special way. It may take some time and effort to write cards, but isn’t it worth that time and effort to let people know that you are thinking of them especially during this time of year.
The tree is up. The cards are in the mail. I have a large ham in the frig. I have a $10 gift under the tree for our family gift exchange. Think the trappings are ready for Christmas. Now to get our hearts ready to welcome the Christ Child into our lives and our world.