Love wildlife, sunsets, flowers and more. This week when I was driving north out of Plymouth encountered two eagles aiding the road crews by having a roadkill racoon for lunch. We now see many eagles in our area. A true conservation miracle as eagles were once on the verge of extinction. They are truly majestic birds and it is such a thrill to see them.
I try to stop as often as I can to watch the sunset and send photos to face book and to friends. They have been lovely lately. It is especially interesting to see the various jet trails during the time of the suns’ setting. The average number of jet trails is seven. Makes for a really interesting photograph at times. There was a large x one evening this week.
On Tuesday the committee members for the 2022 year for Living Faith UMC met at Windsong Acres just north of Camp Point. This is a lovely venue. Hopefully each committee got some meeting dates and plans accomplished for the new year.
Our Pastor suggested that we read one chapter of Luke each day of December. There are 24 chapters of Luke so if we read one each day, we will have completed the book by Christmas Eve. Since Jesus was born and reached the age of twelve in only the second chapter, will be interesting to see what the rest of the book brings. We read small pieces for daily devotions but seldom, if ever, read a whole book in sequence.
Lowderman’s monthly sale was held on Thursday. There were some interesting things which I was able to purchase for the store. It was really very sad to see good walnut and oak furniture sell for very low prices. Today’s furniture is largely saw dust glued together and covered with wood looking paper. It is poorly constructed and falls apart within a few years. Antique furniture is made of solid wood and lasts forever. Hopefully people will once again realize what a good value antique furniture really is and learn to value it again.
With the warm weather, I find it difficult to get into the Christmas spirit but the calendar says it is fast approaching. Most years I purchase Christmas flowers after Christmas when they are on sale so I have a large number of them to decorate with for the next year. Got the pots in front of the store and in front of my garage and on my patio filled this week. Must say they look very festive.
There will be a Christmas Open House at several of the businesses in Hancock County this Saturday, December 11. Plymouth Rock Antiques will be included in this group. I have not gotten a list so cannot tell you all who will be included. Please stop by Plymouth Rock for some Christmas candy and some special sales. I believe K D’s Coop is also included so look for them to have specials also.
There were Soup Suppers in both Bowen and Plymouth on Saturday evening. Hope you were able to attend them. The one in Plymouth was sponsored by the American Legion and the one in Bowen by the fire department. Understand that Bowen had a raffle for a side by side and gave away bicycles to several youngsters. Sounded like fun as well as good eats.
Several years ago I remember reading about wrapping green tomatoes in newspaper to let them ripen and that they would last a long time. I actually tried that this year. I had a garden tomato in my salad yesterday and have several left. Very easy and a great idea.
Living Faith will be holding a Blue Christmas Service on Tuesday Dec 21st at 6:30 pm. This is the longest night so is an appropriate time for this type of service which is for all who need some support during this festive season. There will also be a Christmas Eve service at 7:00 pm. Please feel free to join in either or both special services.
Christmas is a joyful time of year for most. It is a time to remember that Jesus was born for us. It is a time to share with family and friends. It is also a time to reflect on those we have lost and on those who are ill. Be mindful of all those who need your friendship and love especially during this season. Enjoy December and all its festivities but also understand that it can be a difficult time for some and show them love and compassion.