Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner Monday the council of the Living Faith United Methodist church met at 7 pm at the church in Bowen. Each head of a committee is on the church council. All members were present. We…
Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner Monday the council of the Living Faith United Methodist church met at 7 pm at the church in Bowen. Each head of a committee is on the church council. All members were present. We…
Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner The big news of the week was the weather again. Monday evening Quincy had a lot of storm damage. Many trees down, power lost to thousands of customers. Some of those trees landed on…
Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner Tried to mow a tree stump with my push mower and that did not work. Took it to Henry’s Service in Bowen and it works better than it ever did. Thanks. We got 2…
Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner Well yesterday was the nation’s birthday. Hope you had a great day. Went to Carthage to see the parade and had several requests to open the store including a phone call while at the…
Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner Monday Pat came into the antique store. She talked about Plymouth and I asked more. Her name was Pat Downing Calvert and she told me that she had worked at the drug store. She…
Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner Freddie Hoelscher brought me some rhubarb and I finally stopped long enough to bake a pie on Monday evening. I got too much sugar in it. Guess rhubarb is not as sour as goose…
Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner There will be a street dance on Friday, June 19th from 7-11 pm on the east side of the Plymouth Square. No rain date has been scheduled. Free food and beverages will be available…
Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner Plymouth Women’s Circle is sponsoring a Red Cross blood drive on Tuesday, June 23rd at the PCCC from 1-6 pm. Blood is especially needed in the summer so plan to give if at all…
Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner I learned that Kent Boyd passed away on Saturday, May 23rd. He and his wife used to live in Plymouth and he went to Plymouth High School and graduated with the class of 1967.…
Plymouth Area News by Joyce Steiner Monday Plymouth Women’s Forum met at the PCCC. Hostesses were Katherine Kee and Evelyn Baker. On Monday evening I headed to Macomb for a combined meeting of the McDonough County Historical Society and the…